dimarts dia 16 d'octubre el taller visita tres mercats de Barcelona, juntament amb la Unidad Docente Berriochoa de l'ETSAM.
mercat de Sant Josep, la Boqueria (1836), reformat el 2000 per Lluís Clotet i Ignacio Paricio.
mercat de Santa Caterina (1848), el primer mercat cobert de la ciutat, reformat el 1999-2005 per Enric Miralles i Benedetta Tagliabue.
conjunt d'equipaments del Fort Pienc, obra de Josep Llinàs (2001-2003). suposa un canvi en el plantejament dels equipaments a la ciutat, apostant per la concentració d'activitats com a potencial creador de massa crítica per a sustentar un espai públic de referència.
el martes 16 de octubre el taller visita tres mercados de Barcelona, junto con la Unidad Docente Berriochoa de la ETSAM.
mercado de Sant Josep, la Boqueria (1836), reformado en 2000 por Lluís Clotet e Ignacio Paricio.
mercado de Santa Caterina (1848), el primer mercado cubierto de la ciudad, reformado en 1999-2005 por Enric Miralles y Benedetta Tagliabue.
conjunto de equipamientos del Fort Pienc, obra de Josep Llinàs (2001-2003). supone un cambio en el planteamiento de los equipamientos en la ciudad, apostando por la concentración de actividades como potencial creador de masa crítica para sustentar un espacio público de referencia.
Santa Caterina market renovation. Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue (1997-2005)
"Ciutat Vella, unlike other quarters of Barcelona, is a city in itself. This city within a city seems to be the main feature of historical centers starting from this point everything gets complicated.
The present planning [for the district] is unable to manage the complexity of the situation and looking for
short-term results, has unbearably limited the rules of the game.
To repeat.
To make it again. The project must not exist in a particular moment in time,
but in inhabiting it.
project starts by criticizing the actual planning and proposes a model that
allows for adaptation to the area's complexity.
rules which contemplate something more than the street width and the building
A first
scheme which allows for the development of the city complexity and which
complies with the commitments undertaken.
We propose
a model in which it is not so easy to distinguish between rehabilitation and
new construction.
Where the
squares, the constant drawing of widenings overflying the street as the only
urban mechanism.
shopping points decrease, rationalizing the access and services systems.
public space, and residential density.
We move the
shopping area to Avinguda Cambó, reducing its section, opening the old Market
construction to the heart of Santa Caterina quarter."