15 d’octubre del 2012

3 mercats de barcelona

dimarts dia 16 d'octubre el taller visita tres mercats de Barcelona, juntament amb la Unidad Docente Berriochoa de l'ETSAM.
mercat de Sant Josep, la Boqueria (1836), reformat el 2000 per Lluís Clotet i Ignacio Paricio.
mercat de Santa Caterina (1848), el primer mercat cobert de la ciutat, reformat el 1999-2005 per Enric Miralles i Benedetta Tagliabue.
conjunt d'equipaments del Fort Pienc, obra de Josep Llinàs (2001-2003). suposa un canvi en el plantejament dels equipaments a la ciutat, apostant per la concentració d'activitats com a potencial creador de massa crítica per a sustentar un espai públic de referència.

el martes 16 de octubre el taller visita tres mercados de Barcelona, junto con la Unidad Docente Berriochoa de la ETSAM. 
mercado de Sant Josep, la Boqueria (1836), reformado en 2000 por Lluís Clotet e Ignacio Paricio. 
mercado de Santa Caterina (1848), el primer mercado cubierto de la ciudad, reformado en 1999-2005 por Enric Miralles y Benedetta Tagliabue. 
conjunto de equipamientos del Fort Pienc, obra de Josep Llinàs (2001-2003). supone un cambio en el planteamiento de los equipamientos en la ciudad, apostando por la concentración de actividades como potencial creador de masa crítica para sustentar un espacio público de referencia.

Santa Caterina market renovation. Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue (1997-2005) 

"Ciutat Vella, unlike other quarters of Barcelona, is a city in itself. This city within a city seems to be the main feature of historical centers starting from this point everything gets complicated. 

The present planning [for the district] is unable to manage the complexity of the situation and looking for short-term results, has unbearably limited the rules of the game.
To repeat. To make it again. The project must not exist in a particular moment in time, but in inhabiting it.
Our project starts by criticizing the actual planning and proposes a model that allows for adaptation to the area's complexity.
Planning rules which contemplate something more than the street width and the building height.
A first scheme which allows for the development of the city complexity and which complies with the commitments undertaken.
We propose a model in which it is not so easy to distinguish between rehabilitation and new construction.
Where the squares, the constant drawing of widenings overflying the street as the only urban mechanism.
The shopping points decrease, rationalizing the access and services systems.
Creating public space, and residential density.
We move the shopping area to Avinguda Cambó, reducing its section, opening the old Market construction to the heart of Santa Caterina quarter."

(Excerpts from Memory)

Boqueria market renovation. Lluís Clotet, Ignacio Paricio (1999-2000)

"Since 1914, when the arcades surrounding the old Sant Josep Market were covered with a simple and purely functional structure of no architectural interest, the image of the Boqueria Market has gained itself a place on the list of the city's defining elements. And in a very direct way, it has become a part of the Rambla's living physiognomy and popular history.

[...] the Boqueria Market obviously is, and has been for some time, more than just a market. Even so, this space, one that is so tightly woven into the urban fabric and that is capable of triggering such a wave of intense sensations, both in Barcelona's citizens and visitors to the city, was in need of renovation in order to solve a number of problems, some of them functional and others having to do with the restoration of its immediate surroundings, an area that has been historically mistreated and offers immense possibilities. There was, however, one unavoidable precondition: the architectural and town planning renovation of the Boqueria Market, like any sort of reworking of an object that has been thoroughly assimilated on both the individual and collective levels, demanded an effort of rationalisation sufficient to distinguish what is essential from what is accessory.

As remarked by the architect Lluís Clotet, it was therefore necessary to "search for the qualities that we consider specific, significant and untouchable, so that we can preserve and strengthen them and therefore free up room to manoeuvre in the areas occupied by the generic or the irrelevant or that can be improved upon". Along with its history and an up-to-date view of its exuberant offer, and on the basis of Lluís Clotet and Ignacio Paricio's project, we felt that the Boqueria Market deserved a monograph to itself in B.MM. Over and above its descriptive ramifications, this undertaking is a particularly useful example, even a paradigm, in a sense, for a concise definition of the debate between conservatism and renewal, i.e. a vantage point from which we can make a critical analysis of the contemptible audacity of reformers with no memory and the sort of militancy in favour of the clichéd and the picturesque that, based on a skin-deep sentimentalism, can turn purely reactionary.

Alongside our regular features and a new section looking back on the last hundred years in Barcelona, worth noting in this issue are the article on the City of Knowledge, the interview with Joan Reventós and a look, from complementary points of view, at an issue that is taking on increasing importance in urban centres, i.e. the different ways of improving the culture of waste recycling and the reasons why that improvement is necessary."
(Joan-Anton Benach, "Renovating the Boqueria Market", Barcelona. Metròpolis Mediterrània No.51, 2000)

public facilities at Fort Pienc. Josep Llinàs (2001-2003)

"Basically, the criterion of design was to strictly subordinate all the buildings to the site of carretera de Ribes (whose centre was widened in order to generate an independent, static square).

This aim led us to 'plastify' the geometry of the senior citizens’ home in order to fold it and make it face this public area, to link (and magnify) all the entrances to this square and to work using design instruments that solved the specific needs of each function and expressed their scale (which differs so widely between a market and a nursery school, for example) and at the same time determine common relations of volumetrics and materials among such a seperate cluster of buildings."
(Excerpts from Memory)

(procedència de les imatges: es.wikiarquitectura.com, ajuntament de Barcelona, estudi J.Llinàs)

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