26 de maig del 2013

projectar en temps de transformació

New attitudes: designing in times of transformation
Machiel Spaan, ed.
Amsterdam Adademy of Architecture
Architectura & Natura Publishers, 2013
ISBN 978-94-61400-29-1

"Many of the future design challenges in architecture will be faced outside the confines of what we are now accustomed to. Moreover, the traditional roles played by those involved in the design and construction processes, and even the nature of commissions, are changing drastically."
Machiel Spaan

"The economic crisis and the focus on redeveloping existing buildings has forced us to revise our expectations about what architects should be able to do. Is it time to discover brand-new skills? Or time to return to ways of working that have belonged to architecture for centuries?"
Mark Hendriks

"Today's architect is expected to adopt a critical attitude towards the society for which he builds. He must consider the issues at stake. But the relevance of his contribution is determined by how well he succeeds in finding new solutions on the basis of his specific expertise: the design of space."
Aart Oxenaar

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